Rene Erik Olsen

Painter, Photographer and Researcher

Investigation of the 13th December 1952 George Adamski photos

Finally I have completed my investigation of five - of the six photos which are known to me - taken on that day by George Adamski.

I have held in my hand - five of the six photos - and examined them carefully in October 2018 (photo number two I have not examined physically).

The Kodak Brownie photo attributed to Jerrold Baker - was taken by George Adamski.

I have no idea if anybody of the people on the premises that morning in 1952 managed to take any photos of the object.

I have done my utmost to be objective in my examination of the negatives and I can assure everyone that I really examined the negatives for everything imaginable.

Do get back if you have any questions I may be able to answer regarding this investigation.

The research file is below attached as a PDF-file - please download/click on the link to read and study.

(right click on the file name and then SAVE DESTINATION AS.... or click on the link and then FILE, SAVE AS)


26th April 2019

